One of our incredible guests wrote this moving piece about his experience at the ranch this summer. It perfectly captures the shyness almost everybody has when arriving at the ranch and just how quickly that melts away into a feeling of sincere closeness. We hope you enjoy!

Ranch Communion

By: Scott Cogburn

We arrived in the golden afternoon

And the cool Colorado evening

Some, even later, with travel mishaps to share

Separate cars, separate lives

One destination on our minds


That first night, dinner, “Family style”

Furtive glances, questions in our heads

“Who should we sit by?”

“Who is that over there?”

Lets just sit here and see how we fair


The first training ride the next day

“Am I ready?”

“Time to scrape the rust off!”

“I’ve never done this before,

Will I be ok?”


By the time the hayride rolled around that same night

It seemed we’d already spent many, many hours working through many emotions

From excitement to joy, from happiness to comfort, from worry to fright

As we bounced along through the hills in the back of a wagon full of hay,

Warm conversation bubbled up

And we sang and laughed with the Larsons and shared stories of the day


We woke to blue skies and crisp cool air

Riding began in earnest, as the kids go off to romp and play

Walking through pristine green meadows

Crossing cold, fast flowing, streams

The ungodly trotting tearing through unused muscles and destroying our asses

Exulting in the utter bliss of loping smooth and fast

Climbing higher and higher to the views of our dreams


Through the vistas, the bumps, the gaining or regaining of skills

Bonds began to form and laughter fills

Those awkward silences that existed before

Dinner seating turned to “wherever is fine!”

And stories of the day spill forth over delicious steaks and wine


Somewhere along the trail

In a valley, on a mountain, at dinner, or in an aspen dotted vail

We forgot about our texts, our emails, problems back home

And just….were

Enjoying that moment, that day,

The laughter, the stories

And the saddles gently sway


The patient Prince family, the garrulous chefs, the joyful staff

Unique and kind, characters all, with accents a wee plenty

Quick with sincere hospitality and a warm laugh

Whether we’re happy -go-lucky or a little grumpy

Whooping with delight or bruised from a fall that didn’t go our way

They shepherded us through each wonderful day


We departed in the cool golden morning

Of another gorgeous Colorado day

Separate cars, but shared lives

Down the winding mountain road, our paths began to branch

But the lasting memories and the heartfelt friendships we made here

Unites us as one through Cherokee Park Ranch


S.A. Cogburn 17’


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